I guess it's officially Friday, so it's okay to start a new blog. One of Issame's cousins/friends returned from Morocco today bearing gifts. Cookies (of course), some pointy Moroccan sandals (like Elf-shoes )-they are very popular here in the city. We've seen a lot of women wearing them and found out that they've paid some where between $50-90 buckaroonies on shoes that cost about $10 to make. We're thinking of doing some importing ourselves.
Baby update
Our favorite preemie seems to be doing well. Big Daddy Duane brought in one of her diapers to show us how small she is. Let's just say it's not much bigger (if in fact smaller) than what we ladies may use on a monthly basis. Hope I didn't freak or gross anyone out.
Well I can't sleep, thinking about all the places I want to visit in Morocco and the things we'll buy and making sure there's a wee bit of money left over for when I get back. Don't want to tap out my whole savings on this trip. It's funny because I was saving all that money to move out and well someone's hand has helped turn the tide around. (My personal belief is that that Hand dropped a piano or anvil on a certain Moroccan somebody's head when I wasn't looking....Yeah, God!) But that's a whole other story for when I appear on Oprah.
I'm thinking right now that I'm pretty fortunate (not lucky) to be where I am. I really like my job and the people I work with, I love my neighborhood and my apartment, I'm working out and losing weight so I feel pretty healthy, I've got a good bunch of friends, my family is healthy and living the high life, and I've (finally) got a great support system at home and someone who's interested in me and has (magically) fallen in love with the idea of loving me. After all that, I've probably jinxed myself. I should throw salt at someone or hop on one leg backwards while whistling Dixie and rubbing a rabbit's foot between my thumb and pointer finger or something. For now, think I'll lay my sleepy head down and lay a silent prayer on my lips....Night All!
Made it in all right to work. Allergies acting up but am looking forward to 5 p.m. whistle!
Almost time to get myfanny outta here. Nothing major planned for the weekend. It all depends on the weather. Am hoping to get some rollerblading in while Habibi plays some soccer in Prospect Park.
Be good to yourself...
Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined. --Henry David Thoreau (1817 - 1862)
moroccan stew
originally about an imperfect moroccan-american couple trying to make good on what they've got but that turned out to be too scandalous for some. So now, it's about me and my interests in Moroccan culture, arts, politics and social issues. Don;t get me wrong, there'll still be some bee-ing and moaning along the way and oh, yeah laughs, ha! ha! certainly lots of laughs!
Friday, April 30, 2004
Thursday, April 29, 2004
This was the driving instructor, he needed to be helped in and out of the car and his voice was so shaky that Habibi didn't know why the man had failed him. What is wrong with the system? 3rd time is the charm!!!
Once again, I'm hooked on ABC's the Bachelor. I can't believe he picked some of the girls he did. I really thought Suzie was in, they had a major makeout session in the Moroccan tent--heavy petting and pillow smushing. I am so annoyed!!
Grab a tissue!
I'm about to get a little sentimental up in here. I've been secretly monitoring the WWII Memorial in DC for awhile and I am very glad that it is finally up. Both my grandfathers and great-uncles fought and I think it is important to remember our troops and war veterans for all that they've sacrificed for our right to freedom. I am really glad and relieved that this memorial has happened and that I will get to see it a little more than a week.
I think we reserved our tickets to Morocco. We'll be leaving June 30 and I'll be back on or near July 23rd. My adorable man will be staying for a bit longer afterwards. I hate being separated but I know it's important for him to be there and have some alone time with the family. Plus his 2 half-sisters are getting married
in August so someone has to be there to represent the family.
Life is like a game of cards. The hand that is dealt you is determinism; the way you play it is free will. --Jawaharlal Nehru (1889 - 1964)
Wednesday, April 28, 2004
Appointment Day
Fingers-crossed this morning for my baby, he's taking his driving test again! Go Habibi! His brother also has a big job interview this morning
...hopefully all goes well there too. And me, well I got to work late because there were so many people in my bathroom this morning.
I am really starting to love the Seattle Times. This poor kid, what ever happened to freedom of expression?
It's a Nailbiter
ok, no word yet from the Moroccan Mario Andretti....hmmmm...that bugs me.
Pink Smoke...
I'd like to a new little person to the world SADIE OLIVIA MILLER. She came into this world on Sunday and apparantly she was pretty anxious to get here considering she's 3 months early! So far all tests have shown she's going to be ok but she'll be in the hospital for quite a few months She weighed in at a whopping 1.7 lbs. She's the daughter of one of my co-workers and we are all sending beams of hope there way.
Still no word from the mister....really peeved now!
Like the corn fields that yield before the ferocious winds, the believers endure trials with fortitude. The hypocrites like cypress trees stand arrogantly until they are knocked down. -The Prophet Muhammad, as reported by Abu Hurairah
Tuesday, April 27, 2004
We've had major computer problems today. Our entire office was down until about half an hour ago. Have much to report on but will probably wind up giving you the short version.
Here's a very funny site about making G.W. Bush your personal puppet.
Also this NYU student has been sleeping where?
If you cannot get rid of the family skeleton, you may as well make it dance. --George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)
Weekend re-cap
Bellies & Babies
Lazed around during the day and then habibi and I went to visit some friends of ours in Bay Ridge. We call them "the couple we date", because they are always asking us out. They are expecting a baby in November and have asked us to be godparents. Considering that Islam doesn't have the concept of godparents, this may be a challenge but they are also getting married this summer and have asked Habibi to be the best man. Afterwards, we went to this Egyptian nightclub where I finally got to dance to Arabic music. Have had this need to dance to Arabic music for about a month now. They had this amazing belly dancer as well, she was absolutely brilliant and I have never said that before, honestly. We got home at 6 a.m. in time to watch the sun come up on our balcony.
Ah, living the rock-n-roll lifestyle once again.
More Babies...and Baby Crazy
It was my good friend Heather's Birthday! and we went to her house for a little gathering. OK, so we had one couple who was pregnant at the last party and now the baby is almost a year old, another couple (also friends of ours) who are due in 2 weeks and the third couple who are 3 months along. Then there was Heather and X who were all googly eyed and in love making eyes at each other and then me & Mr. Moroccan Cranky Pants just starring at each other like we were in some weird alternate baby-love universe. We left a little early to go home and get some more sleep (and away from all the baby talk before one of us caught the fever).
Took a sick day...needed more time to recuperate from last week and the weekend. Rained like crazy...
Friday, April 23, 2004
Another Friday, another exhausted me being grateful that it is finally Friday. At my other jobs I use to work both weekend days and so I would dread the weekends because that meant we were busier and I would have to work late and not be able to go out and hang with friends or Habibi who was my boyfriend at the time because I would be way too tired to get up for work the next day. But now I'm just your regular M-F, 9-5 working stiff. And I'm a lot happier for that I guess.
I did dread coming in today because this has been an exhausting week for me with the bosses being out of town and me being in charge. And the sh__ hitting me in the face after it hits the fan. . The past 2 days have been extremely challenging and so knowing that the Big Cats were going to be back in the office today actually made my stomach queasy. I have not dreaded coming to a job in that way in years. I hope this feeling clears up my Monday.
Nothing major planned for the weekend, considering I am broke big time. Think I'll do a lot of walking around the neighborhood, maybe head to the gym or hang out in the house and watch movies or clean. You know free stuff! It is Heather's birthday and she's having a little shin dig at her place on Sunday. So me and my Moroccan prince are going to head over there to spend some time with her and some of our friends.
So Heather? If you are reading this.......
Let me get my butt and the rest of me back to work. Enjoy the day, all!
Oh yeah, by the way, I got my Moroccan Chicken Royale last night AND a special side dish of hugs & kisses.
Happiness depends upon ourselves. --Aristotle (384 BC - 322 BC)
Thursday, April 22, 2004
So...I wasted a drum roll on nothing ...no chicken..the darn thing wasn't even cleaned .
Wanted to vent out some of my frustrations on the treadmill couldn't even do that because most of the treadmills & elliptical machines at the gym are broken and the lines were six people deep. So movie nite is a bust as well, because Mr. Social Moroccan Pants went to hang with the fellows and forgot all about me. He did call to see if I wanted him to bring me a sandwich that was at 8:30 p.m. it's now 11 p.m. and I haven't eaten anything. I'm going to start gnawing on my foot soon.
Ugh! I should have gone straight home and to bed. This was the kind of day vallium was created for...just joking....I meant chocolate!
So how awful of a person am I? I'm annoyed because Mr. SMP (Social Moroccan Pants) is out and the reason he is out is because his cousin has just returned from Morocco from his father's funeral. And I'm over here doing the Drama Queen dance. He's apologizing to me profusely and I'm apologizing to him. What a way to end the day! I admit it! I am a card carrying Drama Queen member
Today is bring your kid to work day and since I work for a youth specifically girls organizaion we have 5 great girls running rampant through our halls. They are terrific! I brought in my camera to take some shots.
This pissed me off...the woman who took the photos of the coffins in the cargo plane was fired for doing that.
I forgot to do this yesterday:
Would those of you in the cheaper seats clap your hands? And the rest of you, if you'll just rattle your jewelry. --John Lennon (1940 - 1980)