Thursday, May 19, 2005

"Women in Combat"

"Many Americans feel that women in combat or combat support positions is not a bridge we want to cross at this point," said Rep. John McHugh, R-New York, who sponsored the amendment.

So apparently both the House and the Senate have created bills that would bar women from being in actual ground or supportive battle positions. I have to be honest here, I don;t know how I feel about this.

On the one hand, we should all have equal opportunity to go for the same jobs, and opportunities but are we equally capable of fulfilling the same task? Let's look at it this way, some guy who is the same height and weight as me is a fireman. I don't know if I would have the strength to carry someone out but at the same time, I would be resourceful enough to find other option to carry them out.

I think, if women want to do it they should be allowed. Thus far, they have not allowed women on a voluntary basis (to my knowledge anyway) to participate in actual on the ground fights. I say, let's take a core group of women and try it. Thus far alot of the decisions have been based on studies and closed room "tests". That the results are too much for the men to see a woman being tortured and such. I say, let's look at what's been put on TV, women activist, reporters and soldiers have been taken hostage, POW and killed and tortured. These events have been put on TV, streamed on the internet and images blasted all over the media. The world has been exposed to the abuse of women not only in a military/war scenario but on the streets and in the homes of domestic life.

I don't know,what do you all think?


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