Monday, June 20, 2005

"Finally, My News"

The good news that I have been dying to share is that I finally, finally got a new job. Although I am sad to leave a place I've been at for nearly 4 years, I'm excited about this new venture and the new and highly improved paycheck!!!

(Wanted to keep it on the DL because some of my co-workers read this site.)

And there is news that I never thought I would have to share but ummm, this will be my last post on this blog. I have decided for personal reasons not to continue this blog. Should any of you die-hard Moroccan Stew fans wish to know why, feel free to email me and I'll tell you the true Hollywood E Story.

Best wishes to you always,

Friday, June 03, 2005

Posted by Hello

It's been a long and strange week for me. Had the holiday and then 2 days out of the office for a work retreat, then I'm leaving early today for a secret thing which I hope to be able to share with you soon. Hope your weekend is a beautiful one weather wise.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Who knew Tonya could disguise herself as a Latino man and play softball for a dinky Central Park League and take a bat to my right shin while running to first base? Not I, as I sat on the bench yesterday during our game while my team mates looked on as a bat came flying at me and nearly broke my bone. But such is the life of crazy old me! Betcha missed me? Posted by Hello