Lord knows why, but I did get all dressed up today.
I'm wearing my new red sweater, with a black skirt and my new black, heeled, knee length boots and I just have to say that I'm
So plans are to still hang out with in my jammies and eat herring and shrimp (not together, of course) and just kick back with my habibi
. It's also going to be a big mafia night-we're renting tons of B-level mafia movies because well, we've seen all the A-list ones!
I also just found out today that a friend of mine from high school, her husband just passed away. I only met him once, recently, at our high school reunion. He was very kind to me. I don't know the circumstances of his death but I do know that my friend is a wonderful and beautiful person and that alone says alot about her husband. Please keep them on your mental prayer list. I can't imagine a day without Issame and so I can't even imagine how she is feeling. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Once again, I'd just like to wish everyone great success, love, happiness, health and peace for .
From our house to yours.....
Love Stacey & Issame
moroccan stew
originally about an imperfect moroccan-american couple trying to make good on what they've got but that turned out to be too scandalous for some. So now, it's about me and my interests in Moroccan culture, arts, politics and social issues. Don;t get me wrong, there'll still be some bee-ing and moaning along the way and oh, yeah laughs, ha! ha! certainly lots of laughs!
Wednesday, December 31, 2003
Tuesday, December 30, 2003
Two days left till the New Year!! Don't know why I'm so fixated on the new year, this time around. I think I'm just anxious to get all the good stuff started.
I got an in my last public relations class. So now I can start the paperwork for my certificate. I can't believe I actually set out to do something and completed it within a years time. It's unreal!! Go me!!!
Had dinner with my brother last night. It was his birthday on Christmas Eve but I was too sick to go out and meet him. So I gave him his gifts last night and listened to him re-tell me stories about his trip to visit my folks in Florida (he came in the day Issame and I were leaving).
This cold is still kicking my butt and if I don't get rid of it soon, I may have to do something drastic. I hate being sick, I was asleep before 10:30 p.m. last night. I felt like an old lady.
Well today, my thoughts turn towards peace. I hope we will begin to have some all over. But if the peace angels are listening we could use some extra sprinkling of peace dust in places like Iran, Iraq, South Africa, Afghanistan and if its not too much to ask, just a light dusting here in New York City. It's always so tense around here this time of year. Thanks! .
Sending peaceful thoughts your way........
Monday, December 29, 2003
Thought I'd get the morning started with a little kick! Well, back to work after being away for a whole week. I returned to listen to other peoples' holiday stories of being sick. "Deck the halls with cough drops and tissues!!"
Our weekend was fairly uneventful--Issame and I enjoyed the apartment all to ourselves on Saturday. We made good use of it by sleeping in late, eating an amazing breakfast (in the afternoon), catching up on our Soprano watching (We're only up to season 2, disc 2) and then returning to bed for a nap and to play with the new mini stereo system he got me for Christmas
The last few days of the year always seem so rushed and lazy. Unimportant as we try to hurry them along in anticipation for the New year.
For I resolve to be less wrinkled--facially and fashionably. It's been a problem in previous years which I hope to resolve in this one. I'm looking forward to grad school in the Fall, the beach in the summer, traveling to California, Florida and hopefully Morocco, a busy winter and spring at work , the hope of Issame getting a new job or going back to school. I'd like to save up more money for a house someday but we'll start small this year. I'm hoping Issame and I will both be healthy and wiser next year and that this amazing love we have rediscovered will continue to grow and embrace us.
I hope too that all my friends and family find peace within themselves that will lead to personal happiness and content!! Each day is a precious gift, so start unwrapping yours!!!
Well, here's to Dec. 29th......what a great day!!! oh, yeah and....
Friday, December 26, 2003
What a week it has been! Just this time last week I was looking forward to the weekend when Issame and I would go to see a performance of the Alvin Ailey Dance Troupe , then I'd be in to work for 2 days and off the rest of the week for Christmas. Little did I know that a tiny virus was infecting my body and would put me out of commission for the entire week.
I had a tempature of 103 and I've been basically comatose ever since. It took me a full two days to decorate the tree because I would need to lie down after putting up just a few ornaments.
Issame was great even though I scared the heck out of him. It was nice because the guys really stepped in to cook, clean and look after me. I felt better on Christmas day and loved my gifts! A complete T-Fal cooking set, scented candles up the wazoo and my favorite gift: a mini stereo system for my bedroom. It's so small but the sound system is amazing!!!!
Today I was feeling a whole lot better and headed into the city to return some stuff and then went to Jersey City to meet Issame for lunch. I got to see where the "Big Boss Man" works. He has a great view and I left funny little love notes all over his desk. We pranked called my mom and some of our friends and then headed home. I'm cooking zalouck (eggplant & tomato) now and looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow for a bit.
I hope everyone had an amazing holiday and that all their Christmas wishes came true.
If not, you can make one now--ready?? 1 - 2 - 3! WISH!!!
Sweet dreams until......then.
Not much going on today. Just a lazy Saturday. It's been a long time since Issame and I had the apartment to ourselves for an entire day. We slept in, ate a late breakfast, caught up on our Soprano watching (we're up to Season 2, disc 2) and just lounged around.
Issame's now standing behind me saying, ", everybody?"
We're getting ready to go to a birthday party tonight. One of Issame's friends, but sshhhhh..... it's a surprise!!!
Hard to believe that 2003 is almost over. The year was pretty eventful--I got a promotion, finished my certficate program at NYU, my good friend Ramela got married, Issame's mom came and stayed for 2 months--I had another birthday, so did Issame, there was Ramadam and Thanksgiving and we just had Christmas. It feels like it will be Groundhog Day in just a few short hours!!! And then "Come on Summer!!!!!!!" My favorite time of the year.
For 2004 I'm looking to go to grad school, travel to Florida, California and Morocco, a busy winter and spring with work, another birthday that drags my lazy butt closer to 30--ugh!!! Hopefully it will bring me better health and common sense and keep everyone I love and admire close, safe and happy.
Well it's Saturday night, I'll leave ya to go and shake your money makers!!! Shake it all night long! I hope to never retire mine.
I'll report back manana.....peace out people!!!
Friday, December 19, 2003
Well, we are back from Florida. We actually got back Monday night but its taken me this long to get re-adjusted. It was so wonderful to see my parents and have Habibi spend some time with them. My mom was very sweet when we were leaving at the aiport--all misty eyed she gave him a hug and a kiss and told him to come back and then very gently threated to hurt the boy should he not take care of me. It was done in such a subtle way that Habibi questioned her seriousness on the plane.
The weather was so warm. We got to go to Silver Springs National Park where the old Tarzan movies were filmed. . They had glass-bottom boats so you could see all the underwater wildlife like gar fish (needle nose)
, alligators
, bass, snap turtles and regular freshwater turtles
. We also got to see the underwater natural springs.
They had areas where you could take a jungle safari jeep ride to see animals native to the Florida wetlands. There were reese monleys (brought over but now rampant) , we saw a mother raccoon and her 5 babies
, and deer. There were also all types of different bears-- we had speckled bears whose faces are streaked , black bears
and big brown Kodak bears
. We got to meet Max, the Kodak bear who the movie "Brother Bear" is modeled after.
We also did a lot of shopping, eating out and just hung out in the house and watched some movies. Very relaxing. We were also all together when we heard about the capture of Saddam Hussein .
I'm hoping to go back (by myself this time) in February or March.
Well, I have a bit of catching up with work to do before I head home for the weekend. Stay safe & happy until we talk again. Enjoy our stories and hopefully I'll figure out this photo uploading thing real soon . Habibi got some great photos from our trip.
Again, what a guy!!!
6 more days till Christmas...try to be good!!
Wednesday, December 10, 2003
Well folks, by this tomorrow I will be in the blissful warmth of sunny Florida and my parents
and my habibi
And I am going in style--Superman Habibi came through with
some very stylish and hip red sneakers for me to wear in Florida. He said, "My
baby is going to be stylin, everyone is going to ask you where you got those
sneakers!" How cool am I? (Not!) He also came through on the boots. Here's what they look like: Timberland. These are very similar to them. Well I won't be needing those in Florida.
Well hopefully I'll have some pictures to share when I get back. Stay warm and safe until I talk with you again. Kisses...
Tuesday, December 09, 2003
Not much going on today. At this point just counting the hours until we leave for Florida .
Work has been an absolute disaster for me this week. I won't go into detail but it was nightmarish!!!!
I think Habibi may be getting me some boots for Christmas. What a guy!! Last year he got me this amazing faux fur coat. It is not something I would have gotten for myself but I love it just the same. I'm quite curious to see what might be under the tree for me this year.
Well I have my final Public relations class tomorrow night--am working on my final project as we speak. Once I've completed this class I'll have my certificate in PR from NYU . I'm glad it will all be over soon.
Till tomorrow............