Thursday, October 28, 2004

"The Smell of Success?""

I know Donald Trump has his new money scent cologne out but let me tell you what Wall Street really smells like:

Exit subway: Some invisible steamy musty stench envelopes my head and causes me to gag Sickened

Car fumes as I cross the street Gas Pump

Some weird mechanical stink as I walk past the Stock Exchange where a huge inflatable Rat is being kept alive by a small gas guzzling motor

coffee, cigarettes,coffee, cigarettes, coffee,
Coffee Smoking Coffee Smoking Coffee Smoking Coffee Smoking Coffee

Then the smell of chicken and rice wafts over as I walk past the halal (muslim version of kosher) truck- Thanks, Brothers!

Some guy cuts me off , and then spits his gum on the sidewalk in front of me--caught the scent of "wint-o-green"

Since there's massive construction right in front of our building next to a sewage pipe that they've managed to break twice there's that smell......That Stinks

In the elevator more....Drinking Coffee & Smoking

On Oct. 28, 1886, the Statue of Liberty, a gift from the people of France, was dedicated in New York Harbor by President Cleveland.
Statue Of Liberty

P.S. Pat, I am ignoring you today! Oh, yeah, well at least our guys are groomed and better looking. Tongue Out

2005, BABY!!!


At 11:24 AM, Blogger Pat said...

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At 3:44 PM, Blogger Pat said...

LOL - now Stacey darling, you can ignore me today but you CANNOT ignore those Sox there today. They made the international news here so their win must be splashed all over the place there!! :-)

At 3:46 PM, Blogger Pat said...

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