Friday, October 22, 2004

"Traveling Mommy Farts"

I was on the subway this morning, nothing abnormal but there was this elderly gentlemanFather Smiley sitting & reading what looked like a weeks worth of the New York Times. He had on a suit and raincoat but he did have a sort of old-man-musty smell about him. Nothing grotesque or hold-your-nose horrorific but it was enough that you knew where it was coming from.

At the next stop this family (minus the mom) gets on, and this little kid who couldn't have been more than three makes a face and says, "I smell farts, Daddy, do you smell farts?" The Dad tries to hush the little one, then he says "Daddy, is it yours?" Dad smirks and shakes his head no, Then he says, "Do you think it's Mommy's? At this point Dad is fussing with the baby asleep in the big industrial backpack-also, keep in mind, Mommies not there. Kid looks around the trains starts nodding his head and says, "must be mommy."

Don't know why I thought this was hysterical--guess I was just amazed at this child's knowledge of bodily functions.
What the heck ya'll, it's Friday! Fart

BTW-I posted late last night in case you were missing my sense of humor!

Here's some good morning Kerry humor:
The Pope is visiting Washington, DC and Senator John F. Kerry takes him out for an afternoon on the Potomac, sailing on the Heinz family yacht.

They're admiring the sights when, all of a sudden, the Pope's zucchetto (hat--see you learned a new word) blows off his head and out into the water.

Secret service guys start to launch a boat, but Sen. Kerry waves them off, saying, "Wait, wait, I'll take care of this. Don't worry." Kerry then steps off the yacht onto the surface of the water, and walks out to the Holy Father's hat, bends over and picks it up, then walks back to the yacht and climbs aboard. He hands the hat to the Pope amid stunned silence.

The next morning, the headlines in The Wall Street Journal, Washington Times, National Review, Weekly Standard, Orange County Register and the Fox News Network proclaim: "KERRY CAN'T SWIM!"


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