"A True Moroccan Stew"
Yesterday's post really shouldn't count as it was just a cut and paste job, so sorry to disappoint my loyal friends and readers but yesterday was just a plain old nightmare.
Ever have one of those fights with your hubby where it escalates to the point of no return? Someone says something nasty and terrible and then the other one responds with a mean retort--one of you locks themselves in the bathroom and is crying so hard they hyperventilate, then someone storms out of the bathroom and begins to pack their suitcase and screams-- "I HATE YOU!" Then the other one feels bad about what he (oops) they did and comes over and holds you so tight that you feel safe from anything bad in the world. All over something so stupid and minor that later on that evening you're laughing?
Well, if you're married to a stubborn Moroccan who is still coping with communication skills, then this scenario has played out at least once in your relationship-maybe even during Ramadan when its sometimes just about being hungry. Issame is not violent in any way (so no one panic or worry) unlike the Islamic male stereotype he is very respectful and tender . But Lord Almighty, is that child stubborn! And what's worse is so am I and like he said yesterday, neither one of us knows how or when to back off.
So now we're better people, and a closer couple for having gone through this and I feel comfortable sharing it here cause maybe it'll help someone else realize that growing pains still happen in a 5 year old relationship. It's also a lesson for me in knowing that I'm not Martha Stewart or Monica (from friends) and not everything is or can be perfect. I just have to accept my stubborn soccer-loving Moroccan for who he is and he respects and loves my Martha Stewart wanna-be crazy-ass.
And that's us! Like a Moroccan stew, sometimes the broth is smooth and tasty other times its lumpy and salty. Yesterday was a lump. Today's a gourmet meal. I wouldn't have it any other way.
I've been married for 18 years... and one of the things I learned a long time ago was that fighting is a waste of time and energy. If I get mad, I just go for a walk or write out my feelings... because it's hard to be rational in an emotional situation, and you can't take back stupid words once they've come out... they're out forever.
Good luck to you! Relationships are never easy... and if they were, they'd be boring!
; )
Oh Stacey - you know that can truly sympathize with you. We have certainly had those kinds of fights in the past and you described it exactly!!! Oh those stubborn Moroccans and we just love them so!! :-)
Thanks ladies! I 've always tried to let things go especially snce I grew up as the daughter of a NYC police officer. Not knowing if your dad was going to come home on a daily basis for 20+ years takes a toll on you. So I;ve always kept that philosophy however in the last few years of our relationship, I've not aid a lot about th eimportant things and so now things escalated to a point where I had to say something because I was losing myself and the person I love and want to be. I've always said that for him & I to succeed, communication is key. We have periodic abscences in communication that are just tragic. So its somethign we are actively working on repairing. Every 3 days or so, we have a re-connecting session where we sit down for about 20 minutes and talk directly to each other. Its working well for us. Thanks for your kind thoughts, words and support. Much appreciated!
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