"Famous Last Words"
"It has all been very interesting." -Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, last words, 1762 English letter author & poet (1689 - 1762)
I thought I'd start out today's post with a quote by a woman who I am writing my research paper on. In the early 1700's she accompanied her husband, Britain's Ambassador to Turkey, to Istanbul. She chronicled her journies and encounters in letters. I have to use her eyewitness testimony to talk about Ottoman architecture. And to think I chose this topic myself.
Sometimes, I think I am my own worse enemy.
The other night, Issame and I began to watch Mel Gibson's Passion of the Christ. Now, I was raised Catholic and converted to Islam 3 years ago. I minored in religious studies in college as a part of the intellectual search for a new religion. (Issame helped to facilitate the spiritual). So I like to think that I have a "better than the average person's" understanding of other religions. It's just me. I like to know everything (a whole other issue). Issame is the opposite. He didn't understand why this wasn't the muslim version of Jesus' life. In the Muslim version, before Jesus dies, God switches in body with someone else's so he doesn't actually die on the cross. He asked so many questions while the movie was on-keep in mind, this was at about 2:30am, we were eating our "dinner" early--it was so annoying and I got frustrated that I had to pause the movie to give an impromptu religion class and then about 5 minutes after I turned the movie back on, he fell asleep. What a guy!
The people who live on my block are seriously confused and slightly deranged. One neighbor has his whole house decorated adorably for Halloween , about 5 house down another neighbor has a giant 5 ft. turkey balloon hanging off his balcony
and the people across the street, have their air conditioner wrapped up like a Christmas present
. I was so confused as I walked to the subway in the morning
Happy Hallo-Turkey-Kringle-Day!
Hey Stacey - how is the "Passion of the Christ" so far? (Issame aside - LOL) I saw it here in our video store and want to rent it but will wait for a day when I know I can watch it in quiet.
I think its one of those movies that you have to watch in silence and maybe more than once. We got as far as the decision in the court between releasing Jesus or Barabas. Based on my art historical background (LOL)alot of the imagery is "borrowed" from painting. The one confusing thing is that there are some flashback moments and thats a little confusing. If you are familiar with your Bible stories, you should be ok. I took a whole semester just on the Old testament and then another on the New. We went very indepth into it and I remember so much. This I think really goes into it. It is very violent though. As my Dad said, "JC knew how to take a beating." So beware of that. It might be in best to watch it by your self then watch it with Mohammed to get his opinion. Wish I had done that. : )
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