Weekend Update:
Issame went to Bay Ridge to watch the soccer game and I hung out in the house, just straightening things up because we were going to Atlantic City for the holiday weekend. I got a lot of stuff done, had a momentary life breakdown and called my mom to check in that I was doing okay with my life. Thanks, Mom!
Then we headed into Manhattan to catch the bus to Atlantic City, got there very late ate tons of food and tried to c=go to sleep. Unfortunately we were staying at a friends house who had two very sick babies. They were crying all night.
Mabruk Eid! Happy Holiday!
Woke up early to help get ready for Eid. My job was to keep the kids occupied. Yeah, my body still hurts from that plus I got sick from them but all in all, it was good fun. The men crammed into the cars to go get the sheep. They drive all the way there to find that the farmer had sold their sheep to someone else. Apparently alot of angry words were exchanged
and the guys wound up at a Pathmark type store to buy liver, hearts, stomach and etc.
We were all so hungry that we ate the cous cous first, everything was delicious. Then I sat outside with the guys around the BBQ and smoked some shesha.
We watched some of the Superbowl. I just wanted to see the half time show. I'm a big Janet Jackson fan. But not that BIG of a boob, oops I mean fan!
We then left to spend the night at another friends house. Issame and I just crashed. I was beat from dealing with the two kids.
We got up early and had breakfast with Fadwa. Then she and I went out to buy some meat and stuff for lunch. Issame cooked Chicken Royale for all of us. It was absolutely delicious. He is an amazing chef, I wish he'd take it more seriously and go to school.
Got back on the smelly cramped Greyhound bus for NYC. (For Issame only: THAT IS THE LAST TIME WE ARE GOING ON THE BUS! NEXT TIME WE RENT A CAR!!) Sorry, thanks for letting me get that out. We got home at a decent hour and I'm glad everything had already been cleaned because all I had to do was unpack and go to bed.
Okay, so I'm just catching up on stuff today. Like this stupid little rodent? Phil? I can't handle 6 more weeks of this demanding cold!
I am so tired this morning. Do have some really good news to share though. Issame is getting a 2 month severance package from his job.His former company's legal team really went to bat for him. Most likely this means that he will also collect unemployment. We still have to wait to hear from them tough. But good news all around and thanks so much to everyone for thinking good thoughts for us.
I need to leave work at 5 today in order to get my behind home and do laundry. I was hoping that we would have gotten back early yesterday so I could do it but fat chance of that happening.
11 more days.....
moroccan stew
originally about an imperfect moroccan-american couple trying to make good on what they've got but that turned out to be too scandalous for some. So now, it's about me and my interests in Moroccan culture, arts, politics and social issues. Don;t get me wrong, there'll still be some bee-ing and moaning along the way and oh, yeah laughs, ha! ha! certainly lots of laughs!
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