Yesterday was a snow day! I had off from work which was nice! The greatest gift that my parents ever gave me (other than Life) is the power snow shovel they bequested to me when they moved to Florida. Heck, they weren't going to need it!
Issame has been a little sicky-poo ever since Monday. But he went to do some construction today. Had his interview yesterday. Neither of us has a good feeling so we've both been down in the dumps a bit since then.
I try to stay positive but its hard.
"Here's looking at you, kid"....
moroccan stew
originally about an imperfect moroccan-american couple trying to make good on what they've got but that turned out to be too scandalous for some. So now, it's about me and my interests in Moroccan culture, arts, politics and social issues. Don;t get me wrong, there'll still be some bee-ing and moaning along the way and oh, yeah laughs, ha! ha! certainly lots of laughs!
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