Friday, January 16, 2004

Heard from Issame this morning, they were in Indiana. He said it was pretty cold but they survived the night. There were some bad patches on the road which is what I was really worried about but he sounds like he's in good spirits. But of course, he would be, his wifey isn't there to bother him.

Issame said the funniest thing to me last night. I was teasing him by saying how he's always running away and going on these trips with the guys. So I asked him if he felt bad about leaving me alone. He says, "No, because I know that the angels are with you and they'll look out for you." So I laughed at this I said,"well, what about you." He goes, "me? I've got little devils on my shoulder so that's why you have to worry about me." We had a good laugh at that one.

Hope everyone has a grand weekend.......

Had a surprise guest at work, it was , my former boss. I miss her! We were able to talk and catch up on stuff that she is doing. It was really great to see her.

Well, Ann and I are not going to meet tonight because of the bad weather Probably just head home, curl up with the Sopranos (am up to Season 3, disc 1) Livia has just died. Oh, and Pat please don't be too jealous we don't have cable and so we've been getting dvd's from Netflix. So Season 5 is apparently about to start and so I will be feeling pretty left out myself.

Also have "American Wedding" and "Anaylze That" to watch this weekend but I'll be doing it without my habibi. Won't be as much fun but at least he won't hog the blanket or popcorn.

Here's to the weekend!


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