Wednesday, April 20, 2005

"Superman Unzipped"

It's funny the events that occur during your daily rouintes that make you think of weird things. I was riding the train home from getting my haor cut last night and I was feeling especially confident. The cut was great, I had some makeup on, it had been a good day and more than one guy on the subway platform did a sort of cartoon double take at me. So I was feeling good...

I was thinking to myself, "why don't I feel like this all the time?" Why did it take something like a hair cut to get me to buy flowers for myself and walk with a certain skip in my step? Am I that wrapped up in my looks that there's a direct link to my emotions? As I'm arguing with myself in my head, this very large, broad man enters the subway car. He looks a little "scary-crazy" but harmless. He obviously works out and the way he carried himself was brilliant, to top it off, he was wearing a blue visor with a Superman "S" symbol on it. He was the confident mascot to my in-head conversation until, my eyes traveled downward and I saw that his fly was unzipped. Not in a "oh, I only zipped half way or it slipped down unzipped", but completely unzipped as in, I completely forgot or I was doing something qrong and got caught up in what I was doing unzipped.

My broad silent hero crashed and burned before I got to my subway stop. I couldn't resist laughing at this.


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