Friday, March 25, 2005

"Women of Color"

In Celebration of Women of Color

On March 25, 1965, the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. led 25,000 marchers to the state capitol in Montgomery, Ala., to protest the denial of voting rights to blacks.

Women's Opinions Missing on Television
Women of color virtually invisible on Sunday shows

Celebrating two women of color:

Fatema Mernissi a Moroccan academic and author. She has written many books and articles about women in Morocco and Muslim countries.

Sonali Kolhatkar from KPFK, Pacifica radio in Los Angeles and co-Director of the Afghan Women's Mission, a US-based non-profit that works in solidarity with the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA). I met her last weekend at a Women and Media Conference. Check out her work and her personal blog.

Re-claiming the Kitchen

Not to worry, this will not be a feminist charged paragraph or anything like that. Many of you know that I had to open my apartment and my life to my my husband's brother (BIL) and his wife (SIL). In addition to sharing space and competing for the TV, the living room and a quiet space the one thing that was sort of "taken" from me was the kitchen. Well, I went in there last night and took it back. At first, I was doing this under the premise of "spring cleaning" and what was only going to start with one cabinet turned into a 3 cabinet make-over. This is a major takeover for me. And keeping SIL in mind, I moved things that she uses often to a lower shelf, things used some of the time to a higher one, and things we never use to the lone cabinet above the refrigerator. I wiped down months of cooking oil and gunk form everywhere and realized that even though SIL has a Masters degree, doesn't work , only sometimes goes to her English class and seems to spend alot of time in the kitchen, she's not really taking care of things. So the old me is back, with a few tightenings and some clarity, here to re-claim my land and my home. I've opened it up to her as was asked of me and so far, things have been unorganized and messy. This is my home and I'm here to stay and make my presence known.

(Imagine the theme song to Rocky, the instramental with the "Flyin' High Now" vocals playing at this point)

Birthday blessings and wishes to my good friend, and fellow "wife of a moroccan", Pat!!!


At 2:54 AM, Blogger Pat said...

THANKS Stacey!!! Can you believe I was soooooo far behind in reading blogs that I just saw this birthday message today!! LOL


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