"The Flu Blues"
It's been no secret that I've been feeling under the weather. But I'll be honest, I've been feeling outright exhausted. I thought maybe its all this weight I've been lugging around, so I tried exercising and lacked energy to do that. Worked real late Friday night, got home around 1amish, then dragged my caboose to a Saturday class at 11 am at the Brooklyn Museum. People I didn't even know were telling me I looked like Death's Twin Sister (her name's Cecilia), came home took a 2 hour nap and felt better. Habibi went out and I worked on my paper (which I got an extension for) and felt really great. Felt great on Saturday but don't be fooled, this was just the calm before the storm. Then a wave of nauseau came over me and wouldn't go away, so I'm not thinking flu or food poisoning, no Stacey's drama queen brain instantly thinks morning sickness. Dumbass!
Well after the 3rd round in the bathroom and this hard knot feeling in my tummy that I swore was an alien child turning over, I realized this ain't no morning sickness....then spoke with my mom who said my bro had the same thing and its the flu. Issame then made me some Moroccan voodoo concoction and I drank it, threw it all up and felt great after that. LOL. I'm still a little tired but am taking it slow, after that we just hung in the house cleaning and cooking and another couple stopped by and we made them dinner. Issame was able to fix our old satellite and so now we get 2M TV which is the big Moroccan TV network. He's so happy and this helps me with my Arabic but now I'm starting to get addicted to some of these crazy soap opera shows. Some of the things they come up with just cracks me up.
So, I had already scheduled to take today off and am just relaxing before my class this evening and working on my paper.
The good thing is that my baby and I had the whole apartment to ourselves as BIL & SIL went to Atlantic City to visit her brothers. So it was nice for us to be by ourselves and gave us a sneak peak as to what our lives will be like in a few more months when BIL moves out and we have this big spacious apartment to ourselves. I'm holding out for that, its what's keeping me motivated and happy.
Hope everyone is feeling better than me and had a great weekend as well.
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