Tuesday, August 31, 2004


Class went really well. There is alot for me to learn about Islamic art. The only not so cool thing is that originally the class was art AND architecture but she's decided to change all that and focus only on architecture, only in Turkey (where she's from) and only during the Ottoman period. I was hoping to get, at the very least a general survey of Islamic art in the North African Muslim countries like Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, Ethiopia and especially Morocco. Oh well.

Tonight is Latin American Art should be a real treat!

Prayer On Aug. 31, 1997, Diana, the Princess of Wales, was killed in an automobile accident in a tunnel by the Seine in Paris. The accident also killed Emad Mohammed al-Fayed, the Harrod's heir.

Monday, August 30, 2004

Thanks for the memories, Athens! Posted by Hello

"Butterflies for Breakfast...mmmmm Yummy!"

Butterfly 4 Butterfly 4 Butterfly 3 Butterfly 3 Butterfly 3 Butterfly 3 Butterfly 3 Butterfly 3
So today is the first day of graduate school and like a big azz dork I am nervous as all hell. I know I'll be fine its just the initial getting it over part. Tonight is Islamic Art which I am very excited about for many reasons. I have not previously taken or read much about it so at the very least (even if I fail) I'll learn something new. I'm hoping my Habibi can help me with some of the translations if necessary.

The one thing I have yet to discuss or mention is the Republican National Convention (RNC). I got into work suprisingly well, considering my train stop is right underneath the Stock Exchange and there were a few more police on Wall Street but nothing out of the norm. The trains were running smoothly. The only thing was I was unable to go into the city over the weekend because of mass protests which messed up my plans a bit but in the long run I saved some cash. One of my co-workers and awesome office-mate CM Goth will be staying at my place tonight to save her from the hassling commute on the LIRR. Plus, I welcome the company.

Bye bye Olympics see you in Beijing! China

"Education's purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one." --Malcolm Forbes, in Forbes MagazineUS art collector, author, & publisher (1919 - 1990)

Sunday, August 29, 2004

"Thanks for Coming"

I'd like to thank the two people who came to my pity party yesterday. I really do appreciate your encouraging words and support. It gave me that little extra "umpf" to get me off my duff.

Spent most of the day venting out my frustration by cleaning the apartment, everything smells so squeaky clean. Got some of my pics back from Morocco, will be posting them soon to the site. Gosh, I want to go back. Life is so different there, especially if you have money and don't have to work. I'm entering some of the photos into the Smithsonian Magazine's amateur photo contest. Who knows, at least I'm finally doing something with my art. Photographer

What is it about a hot, steamy shower that just melts your problems away. Again nothing sexual but there is something so comforting about a hot bath or shower when you're upset. I always feel energized afterwards.

Did you see "El G" kick ass in the last lap of the 5000m, truly a man of speed and skill. The first time since 1924 that a Moroccan won that race. I'm always glad to see when a Moroccan(s) does well in an international public forum, this way not all people think Moroccans are terrorists. I thought this was a touching article about Hicham.


For those who are Sick of the Olympics

"C'mon baby! Work with me people, alright! Show me love! (camera clicks) Great Baby! Yeah!" -Austin Powers
Visit My Mail Stamp!

Saturday, August 28, 2004

Me and the old man on the sea in St. Augustine. I have his cheeks. Posted by Hello

Check out the cake-ice cream. I had the pic of him with the King put on it. The best part was when we got to eat the King. Posted by Hello

This is Issame & I last October at his birthday. Posted by Hello

"Make Me Feel Better"

EmailWhen I decided to create this blog, part of it was to stay in touch with friends around the world , the other reason was because I couldn't afford to go to therapy and thought this would be the best way to vent and get some advice about dealing with life and a hubby who's from another country.

Today I'm jut in a bad mood and this is going to turn into a rant because well, hubby ain't here to deal with some of this stuff and that's part of the problem.

The earliest flight he can get out of Morocco is September 20th. I swear, not from lack of courage or sexual frustration or anything but I can't go another 3 weeks without him. I don't know how women married to men inthe service do this. It is really no way to have a relationship. Especially when you are the one holding down the fort physically and financially.

This Sucks
My new policy is to try to poke holes in the black cloudBlack Cloud
that's followed me around for most my life. I start grad school on Monday (would have been nice to have someone special to send me off with a kiss and squeeze of the hand to let me know that it'll be ok), been working out like crazy at the gyms (plural because I joined a 2nd gym to shape my curves), got my hair cut, the apartment looks great, been cleaning like a crazy freak.

Am hanging int here....really, folks!

I've added a counter to the site which is exciting because so many people have been coming to view it.

If you're new to the site please add a comment or sign in the guestbook. It would make me feel better! And you do want me to feel better dontcha?!

Anyway, peace, love and rock-n-roll
Visit My Mail Stamp!
P.S. Just realized that today is my 3 year anniversary. 3 years ago today Issame & I got engaged in Morocco in an elaborate ceremony. WOW!

Friday, August 27, 2004

"Don't Hate the Player...Hate The Game"

Pimp I must confess my latest obsession...and I'm not embarassed because I truly feel like I am participating in a great sociological experiment..........the UPN's new show The Player. What cracks me up the most is the little cartoon intro they have for the show and the music. And the way these people are...seriously they've lost all sense of reality. Pure entertainment. I love it!

"Does it really matter what these affectionate people do-- so long as they don’t do it in the streets and frighten the horses!"

Thursday, August 26, 2004

"Hasan chop!"--Bugs Bunny Posted by Hello

In case you hadn't noticed, I have Olympic fever! Olympic

I have some really exciting news: Issame's brother is getting married Rings next week which means that he'll be moving out. Which also means that Issame and I will be living together alone again for the first time in 3 years! Okay, sorry am just a little bit excited about this.
Disco Boogie

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Hicham beating out the runner from Kenya. Dima Mahgrib! Posted by Hello

Morocco Gets a Gold

For the 29-year-old Guerrouj, who was hugged by Lagat after the race, the gold medal was simply redemption. The world-record holder in the 1,500 meters, he had been unbeatable on nearly every stage but the Olympics. In 1996, in Atlanta, he crashed into another runner and fell, finishing last. In 2000, Noah Ngeny of Kenya outran him in the final 50 meters, and Guerrouj wept, saying he had let down his country.

Posted by Hello

Caveman Style

You can't wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club.
Jack London (1876 - 1916) Posted by Hello

Caveman Today especially I feel like I need to be hit over the head and dragged somewhere. Can't seem to get myself motivated and organized.

Thanks to Pat for turning me on to Freecycle. I can't believe the amounts and type of crap people try to get rid of. I am making out fairly well in getting a slightly used scratching post for Buddy (who looks like he's staying)

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

The Cards We're Dealt

I love what Google has been doing with their logo to celebrate the Olympics. Saved this one for my habibi cause he sooooo loves soccer. Posted by Hello

Long Distance Relationships
It's quite difficult to argue long distance, it's even harder to kiss and make-up but he did a fairly sweet job of it. This has not been easy for me and I think mainly because I've had a lot of changes going on in my life and the process may have been smoother if I had someone to lean on or hold my hand through some of it. But alas, Life dealt me a lone hand and I'm handling it.
(Not well, but I'm handling it.)

He should be back sometime next week which makes me stupid happy! Goofy