Saturday, August 28, 2004

"Make Me Feel Better"

EmailWhen I decided to create this blog, part of it was to stay in touch with friends around the world , the other reason was because I couldn't afford to go to therapy and thought this would be the best way to vent and get some advice about dealing with life and a hubby who's from another country.

Today I'm jut in a bad mood and this is going to turn into a rant because well, hubby ain't here to deal with some of this stuff and that's part of the problem.

The earliest flight he can get out of Morocco is September 20th. I swear, not from lack of courage or sexual frustration or anything but I can't go another 3 weeks without him. I don't know how women married to men inthe service do this. It is really no way to have a relationship. Especially when you are the one holding down the fort physically and financially.

This Sucks
My new policy is to try to poke holes in the black cloudBlack Cloud
that's followed me around for most my life. I start grad school on Monday (would have been nice to have someone special to send me off with a kiss and squeeze of the hand to let me know that it'll be ok), been working out like crazy at the gyms (plural because I joined a 2nd gym to shape my curves), got my hair cut, the apartment looks great, been cleaning like a crazy freak.

Am hanging int here....really, folks!

I've added a counter to the site which is exciting because so many people have been coming to view it.

If you're new to the site please add a comment or sign in the guestbook. It would make me feel better! And you do want me to feel better dontcha?!

Anyway, peace, love and rock-n-roll
Visit My Mail Stamp!
P.S. Just realized that today is my 3 year anniversary. 3 years ago today Issame & I got engaged in Morocco in an elaborate ceremony. WOW!


At 12:14 PM, Blogger Sister Sunshine said...

I'm sorry you have been feeling rotten. I've linked to your blog from mine, because I find you and your life to be interesting.

Graduate school? Awesome! All I've done thus far (and I'm 39) is to get a measly A.S. degree. Maybe you'll inspire me to get my butt back out and study the things that most interest me...

Good luck! And feel free to write me any time!
: )

At 12:39 PM, Blogger Pat said...

Hey Stacey - sorry to read about your bad day. I am having a really blah type of day as well here. Argued with my Moroccan significant other this morning and what does he do? What they all do I suppose - went out to spend the day with his buddies!!! Ugh!!! Try to find some comfort in knowing that I know exactly what you are going through!! Hang in there!! BTW - Happy Anniversary! BIG, BIG HUGS!!!! Love Ya!!


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