So Issame had his unemployment appeal hearing today. Sounds like things went well. As was to be expected, the employer did not show but they still provided evidence. Which Issame said the judge laughed at and made the comment," this is ridiculous" in reference to the employer.
Hopefully all will be well. I have my lecture tomorrow and the concert tomorrow night. I will be needing a nap for sure!
Gotta get back to work.
moroccan stew
originally about an imperfect moroccan-american couple trying to make good on what they've got but that turned out to be too scandalous for some. So now, it's about me and my interests in Moroccan culture, arts, politics and social issues. Don;t get me wrong, there'll still be some bee-ing and moaning along the way and oh, yeah laughs, ha! ha! certainly lots of laughs!
Tuesday, March 30, 2004
Monday, March 29, 2004
Long weekend re-cap:
Rewind back to Thursday evening, our event was a HUGE success!!!We went 2 for 2 last week. The event was a documentary about the Rutgers University's women's basketball coach and team. One of the players was there, she is now a female wrestler for the WWE . Her wrestling name is Shanequa. Talk about strong, smart and bold! The girls were so thrilled to meet her and I have to say I was as well. I was so jazzed by the success of the week, that I had a real hard time falling asleep.
Woke up exhausted and decided to take a personal day. Slept in till about noon and then Issame made me a fantastic lunch of Moroccan salmon. Goodness gracious! I gobbled that dish right up. We had a lot of fun just hanging out and relaxing in the apartment. Then in the evening, for a change I went out to the city with my friend and Issame stayed in Brooklyn just hanging with the guys. We ate at this Indian restaurant in the East Village. Great food! Once again I stuffed myself silly! Got home rather late but it was a blast to get dressed up and go out.
Gorgeous day outside!! Opened up all the windows and let the sun and warm air come inside. Got Issame to shake his booty
and get outside before 3pm. We walked all around our beautiful neighborhood
. We walked the entire Marina, then over to the Community College campus, then over to the beach, back to the Marina and over to our favorite Turkish restaurant where we once again strapped on our gluttonous bibs and ate the most delicious food.
What was so funny was that Issame was going out to dinner with the guys later that evening. He was so stuffed that I didn't think he was going to make it.
Sunday morning rolled around...
I had to head to the gym for an hour workout on the treadmill , after all that great food I had to attempt to work some of it off. Spent the remainder of the day cleaning, lounging and catching up on some reading and research for my lecture on Wednesday. I am quite excited about that. I also spent about half an hour on the phone with my mom in Florida telling me all about the crazy little critters they have living on their property. What really cracks me up is that they have names for everything. Including the little gecko who use to live in the screened-in pool area. Poor Mr. Green Jeans passed away a few months ago, seems as if he thought it was okay to swim in chlorinated water.
God bless!
Today, Manic Monday
I am excited! Got Issame & I tickets for Wednesday night to see Edwin McCain at B.B. King's restaurant on 42nd Street. Edwin McCain signs our song "I Could Not Ask For More". Will be alot of fun to see him sing it live.
" All you need is love."
Thursday, March 25, 2004
Another crazy work day, we have a basketball movie screening tonight I am super sleepy today...just need to make it through this.
Again, many birthday wishes and blessings are being directed in droves to Pat in France!!!!!! Miss you and can't wait to see you this summer! Hugs and kisses to the boys.
Don't take any wooden nickels....
Wednesday, March 24, 2004
Yesterdays luncheon went very well. We had CNBC and NJN TV crews there to interview our honorees. We were on fire! HOT! HOT! HOT!
I was tsraving when I got home, so Issame and I went out to the local diner and got some cheeseburgers and cokes! . Then we just goofed around the neighborhood acting silly.
Our elevators at work are broken today--another Con Ed (Electric company mishap). Thank goodness we work on the 3rd floor. Not to far of a walk down. Hope it's not like the blackout we had over the summer.
Meeting my friend ANN for dinner, then off to the gym to get slim.
Monday, March 22, 2004
Weekend was alright. Spent 75% of the time being pissed off at someone. Won't name any names--ISSAME. The weather wasn't all the great anyway so I caught up and stored some extra sleep and started to prepare my lesson plan for the art history lecture I'm giving next week at my old high school.
On Sunday, one of Issame's friends invited us over for a fish dinner which was very delicious. I left early to finish the lesson plan. Then we stayed up way past midnight watching all the chaos unfold in Israel. Honestly, I am very scared right now. I hope things find a peaceful solution.
At work, we're just cramming to get ready for tomorrow's bug event. So far everything has gone smoothly-am looking forward to 24 hours from now when this will be all over.
Hope we can stay peaceful until day at a time.
Friday, March 19, 2004
Thursday, March 18, 2004
Work is crazed today ...we're getting reading for our big fund raising luncheon next week and we have a movie screening next week as well.
Finally brought in the picture frame for Cheryl's surfing poster, now we just have to get it up on the wall. Hang 10!!!!
Snow still on the ground, ugh! Looking forward to warmer days.
I am worn out! Had a long conversation with this wonderful woman at the New Jersey department of labor who explained EVERYTHING to me.Issame was disqualified for unemployment bwnwfits for 5 weeks ONLY. He can now start collecting unemployment!
A huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. We have appealed the disqualification for the 5 weeks pay. You cannot imagine how relieved I am. I was under the impression that he was completely disqualified. YEAH!
Leaving to go get my hair cut. See you all tomorrow.
Today was a very good day. Thank you!
Wednesday, March 17, 2004
"The Irish Blessing":
It's cold and snowy here and warm and sunny in France..see, things are better there!
Made my corn beef last night, first time cooking it. A rather salty meat but it came out fairly well for a first-timer.
It's getting on close to 3 o'clock here and you know what that means...CHOCOLATE BREAK. I've been rather good lately. Trying not to indulge or doing so every other day but I feel it coming on like a fever today and I can already feel myself losing control:
Looking forward to spending some one-on-one with Issame tonite. Haven't seen much of each other, hopefully we can catch up on some movie watching and snuggle time.