Monday, September 13, 2004

I wrote an outstanding post yesterday and then stupid blogger wasn't working, so I'm going to attempt to re-cap.

I am preparing for the Moroccan invasion tomorrow, that's right folks my 7 week husband drought is almost over and boy, is it going to be a downpour! I was hoping to have at least a few days of Stacey&Issame time alone in the apartment but no such luck as BIL is coming in the next day. I learned alot about myself these past few weeks:

1)"I really don't like being alone"--Again, nothing sexually motivated here. I have never felt like I needed someone in my life, I always wanted someone and if that didn't happen, I was content with hanging with my friends and brief encounters. But it sure would have been nice to have someone here these past few weeks to hold my hand when I started grad school, listen to my worries about my folks (who BTW are doing just fine) and hold me tight at night.
Big Hug

2)"Money makes things a wee bit easier"--Since January, I've been the sole financial contributor for "us", BIL is very good and generous with his 1/3 of expenses but its been a challenge making ends meet on a nonprofit salary. I thought I'd be able to go out more socially with friends and meet for dinner and maybe hit a club or 2 (I sort of made it to one) while DH was away but no such luck. I've been eating eggs "a-la-any-which-way" and grilled cheese sandwiches so much that my stomach shudders when I walk past the dairy aisle. It's A Smiley!

I don't think admitting to any of this is a sign of weakness, in fact I'm quite strong for having to go through this on my own but things are usually better in groups and I have no problem saying: "I want my baby to come home!"

I'm nervous about seeing him tomorrow--I don't think I'm going to be able to concentrate. I have class tomorrow night too so I won't be home until after 11 p.m. I'm a happy mess!

Drooling Bouncy SmileysDrooling Bouncy SmileysDrooling Bouncy Smileys


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