Thursday, September 09, 2004

"2 or maybe 6...."

......More days till my baby comes home. Got to say I thought it would never come. It's been way too long. Looking forward to some serious smooch time Hug And Kiss and getting things semi-back normal. (As normal as things can be married to a crazy-Moroccan, as many of my fellow WOM-Wives of Moroccans can relate.)

False start with my power coming on last night, cause it went out again about 15 minutes later. Now its in the hands of the landlord which translates into me actually waiting for BIL to get back from Morocco and fix it. So another week of no power. Brilliance!
Light Bulb

I realized that I really haven't said much about my trip to Morocco so I've decided that I will try on a semi-daily basis to share a story from my trip until I'm tapped out of stories. So I will introduce you to (trumpets please!):
Marching Band
You Are My Favorite Journey Morocco

This trip was more about me seeing the country as opposed to the people seeing me. Last time I was the American potential bride for their favorite son and there was alot of pressure on me to be the best. But you know me, I love a good challenge. This time however, I wasn't about to sit around a kitchen clucking or watching Oprah with Arabic subtitles. I wanted to see and know the Morocco that all these artists and writers talk about. So I did alot of reading and research and made a solid itinerary and list of place and things I wanted to do. I handed my list to Issame and boy did he deliver all that and then some.

One of the fun things for me is when members of his family meet us at the airport. It's always like meeting the characters from your favorite novel in person. They are everything you imagined them to be but in color, and warm and holding you so tight that you can't believe they are actually real! His sister Sarais only 8 years old and is the star of everyone's eye and goodness did she get so big! She loved all the cute trendy clothes, shoes & accessories I brought for her. She cracked me up though because anytime we went anywhere she changed her clothes. If I was wearing jeans and blue t-shirt she would go and change and wear the same thing. If I had a pony tail with a white band she had one too.

One day Issame decided to only wear his blue pajama pants and a grey t-shirt. Lil sis sported the same attire and put her hair in a bun like mine. On my last night there, I had gotten henna (an ink tattoo) on my hands and feet and it was really late, the guys were playing a rather important soccer game in the park and I wanted to see them all before I left. So I asked her to run up to the park with me and don't you know she spent 10 minutes changing out of her clothes and into a soccer jumpsuit! Soccer 3 I was like, "hey there little girl! Who we trying to impress!" She's just like her brother though. I always felt bad when we went somewhere and we couldn't take her with us. She would always be upset and then we'd promise to take her to the beach or out to ice cream the next day.

Family is nice but a Moroccan family is well..Sometimes like humidity, trying to suck the air out of you and everywhere with no relief in sight. But this time Issame was really good with me with them, making sure we had an agenda for everyday and never spending longer than 2 waking hours in the house. It was a great relief and provided us with a lot of fun activities and memorable moments just the 2 of us.Lipstick

P.S. If you have any questions about Morocco or my trip, feel free to post them, I love talking about Morocco.


At 3:29 PM, Blogger Pat said...

Well, it is about time Stacey that you have shared with us your Moroccan trip!! Look forward to reading more! :-)

At 4:17 PM, Blogger Sister Sunshine said...

Girl... I can REALLY sympathize with you about the power being out. Ours was out for 3 days after Frances blew through... and now we're keeping an eye on the NEXT one. Ugh. Tropical paradise my butt! Did you hear from your mom yet?

At 1:27 PM, Blogger Heykiddo said...

Mom & dad are hanging inthere, they finally got power back on Friday but still no phone...its a bummer


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