Thursday, February 26, 2004

Issame came to visit me at work today and went out for a very nice sushi lunch.

I finished my graduate school application. Here's my statement of purpose:

I want to further my education in art history so that I may introduce and teach the history and importance of art. This decision began with my internship at the Metropolitan Museum of Art when I met the Curator of Photography and expressed my opinion that photography was a science, not an art. He hoped that I would change my mind someday.

Later at a Gordon Parks exhibit, I realized the importance of looking at the world through an artist’s eye, so I challenged myself to pick up a camera. This experiment taught me the importance of seeing and experiencing art and I wanted to guide others through the process. My position as a docent at the Metropolitan and Guggenheim was a great arena for me to present challenging ideas of looking at art.

My father, an antique weapons collector helped develop my fine eye and stressed the importance of research. In high school, my Humanities teacher Mr. Franzetti further fostered my appreciation of art on a class trip to the Metropolitan where I declared that I would work there someday. Every year, he invites me to return to his class to share my enthusiasm with his students. The foundation that my father and Mr. Franzetti provided helped me decide to focus my graduate studies on the general history of art.

Recently, I started collecting artwork by Moroccan artists. I have been fortunate to spend a month at a time with my husband in his native country of Morocco and discovered that there are minimal resources available about their work. I would like to expand on these resources and create a stronger dialogue by placing these artists in context on the art historical timeline.

Hunter College's broad approach to the history of art will enable me to become a good art historian and professor. I appreciate the opportunity to study art history on a graduate level; my educational background and museum docent experience demonstrates my commitment to this field and has prepared me for the challenging work ahead. Achieving my master's degree is a personal as well as professional steppingstone and I thank you for your consideration.

Keep thinking good thougths that I get in.....


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