Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Devastating news. Morocco was hit by a major earthquake this morning. It happened in the north near a port city and thus far 300 people have died, they suspect the number will rise. Keeping those families affected in my thoughts and prayers. Issame called home and no one we know has been affected (as of yet).

More bad news, Issame was denied unemployment benefits--it's a long story but we're appealing the decision. They sayed they fired him because of a bad standing but they are giving him a 2 month severance package deal. Makes no sense to me that if someone was let go in bad standing that they get a generous severance.

Today, Issame has his road test and its a snowy wet mess outside. Let's keep our fingers crossed that the Moroccan Road King passes.

We could both use some good news today.

Grab a hold of your nearest love one today, hug them and tell them that you love them. Every day is precious.

Shower some love and make a donation to help those affected by the earthquake in Morocco. I speak from experience when I say that a little goes a long way there. Thanks!


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