Tuesday, May 03, 2005


Wayli is a moroccan word that when you ask someone what it means, they're hard pressed to give you a definitive definition. That's because it really doesn't have one its more of an expressive word than an actual word. The American-English equivalent would be "Get out of here!, You're kidding me! No way!, Oh sweet Jesus!" You can use wayli for several different occassions to express suprise, disbelief, make a exlamative statement.

I've seen it used in a low toned voice accompanied with a sort of bobble-head movement, said three times quickly: wayli, wayli, wayli. Translation is usually: tsk!, tsk!, tsk! The way I personally like to use it is a long, drawn out call, similar to a pig call: A Waaaaaaaay - leeeeeeeee!

The reason I bring this up is because this was the word and theme of the weekend. We ventured back to this Moroccan club in the city- Masa Club, And it was just hysterical. The outfits or lack of on some of these girls was outstanding. I mean, wayli! As I entered the club my eye was immediately drawn to an exposed boob, being stuffed back into a pink, lace corset. I mean, way-lee! Then there was the pig-in-the-blanket, the style dress not an hors d'ouvre- she looked like she was wearing a sausage wrapping. Wayli, wayli, wayli!

The worst offender was actually someone we are acquainted with. Too tight jeans that made her skin and all its dressings hang over the side (she was a thin girl too), and this top that was a half sweater thingy that pushed her "girls" up. It wasn't even her boobs, it was just extra-ness, all pushed up and spilling over. She got a big triple waaaaaaaay-leeeeeee! from Habibi, me and a friend.

The best/worst wayli of the night goes to me though. I was sitting at the bar, bobbing my head to the music. Habibi had walked away from me to socialize and his friend from out of town was standing next to me but with his back to the whole scene. This guy holding a wine glass came over to me and wanted to dance, I politely said no and then he pulled me off my chair. I pulled back, still smiling and walked back to my chair. To me, it was no big thing, someone's had too much to drink the least of their problems is me. Well, Habibi and his friend made it this guys problem. Habibi is very level headed and I don't worry about him at all. He spoke calmly and politely to the guy suggesting he be careful the next time he tried to dance with some girl because she could be someone's wife. This guy wasn't hearing it, went to swing at my Habibi but before anything could happen Habibi and security had knocked the guy to the ground and pushed him out of the club. Habibi's friend who was sort of looking for a fight wanted to, but out of nowhere I leapt up and grabbed his friend from behind and held him. Waylee!

With all that pretty boobage just flouncing and bouncing around. A fight broke out over lil ol me...wayleeeeeee!


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