"In the News..."
I'm PMS-ed to the max today and instead of ranting on about raz al hamar, I'd rather stay constructive and positive and share some news items with. Knowledge and action are thekey to change!
Great News!
Last Thursday, the NCAA took official action in support of Title IX.
By unanimous resolution, the NCAA Executive Committee urged Education Secretary Spellings to repeal the March 17 Title IX "Clarification", which promotes the use of flawed interest surveys to suppress the growth of women's sports. And the NCAA urged all member institutions to essentially ignore the new Title IX guidance. The NCAA has demonstrated itself to be a friend of Title IX.
If you haven't yet emailed Congress about this issue, please click here to do so.
For more details about the NCAA action, see this
Seriously, come on now, what are they so afraid?
Conservative lawmakers in Kuwait's Parliament on Tuesday created a constitutional roadblock that effectively killed a measure that would have allowed women to participate in city council elections for the first time. Hours later, the elections were called for June 2.
The action eliminates any chance that women will be able to take part in elections for another four years, when city council seats are again up for grabs.
Check out the complete article
Teri Schiavo's Blessing
Maybe something positive came out of the Teri Schiavo affair. A lesson to teach the government to stay out of the personal and private decisions of an individual.
After first resisting a judge's order to allow a 13-year-old in state custody to get an abortion, Gov. Jeb Bush's administration changed course on Tuesday and said it would abandon the legal fight.
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