Kudos! And Congrats! Go out to my friend Kat who sang her booty off last night at the Soul Cafe on 42nd Street. She owned that stage and took command of herself and the audience. She wowed us all! Habibi and I had a great time playing paprazzi
Heather joined us as well and we had a great night out. made it hard to get up in the morning though.
Got a sort-of-Moroccan boy band to share with you Outlandish The lead singer is Moroccan and also named Issam. The other two members one is Chilean (I think) and the other is Pakistani. They do this incredible remake of Cheb Khaled's Aicha in English with a slightly different take on it. My Issame has been hooked on them and now I'm a fan. I think they are in Germany (Pat just corrected me, they are in Denmark) and they sing songs that incorporate all 3 of their cultures and backgrounds. Check them out...
This other singer who I've been obsessing about is Toby Lightman she opened for Edwin McCain when we saw him at B.B. Kings. She really has a soulful, poetic voice. There isn't a song on her album I don't like.
After silence that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music. --Aldous Huxley (1894 - 1963)
Stop this ride I want to get off! Crazy-a$$ day at work. Spent the whole darn day from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. arranging to change someone's flight ticket for a business trip. It was crazy trying to coordinate with the girl, getting approval from the bosses (who are still in LA), consulting with a co-worker in Indy and a VP here in the office. It was just nutso! I am ready to call it a DAY!
Habibi is cooking my favorite tonight drum roll please.........MOROCCAN ROYALE CHICKEN. And then it's movie night: we have Veronica Guerin, Dr. Seuss and House of Sand and Fog. God bless Netflix!!!
I am heading home in 12 minutos.........
moroccan stew
originally about an imperfect moroccan-american couple trying to make good on what they've got but that turned out to be too scandalous for some. So now, it's about me and my interests in Moroccan culture, arts, politics and social issues. Don;t get me wrong, there'll still be some bee-ing and moaning along the way and oh, yeah laughs, ha! ha! certainly lots of laughs!
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