"One More Day..."
...in the house. I have been in this apartment since Thursday. I've gone out occassionally to get groceries and do laundry and such but because of the weather I've pretty much been trapped inside. I took today as a "work from home day" for 2 reasons: 1) hurt my back with all the shoveling and 2) I'm out in the boonies near the ocean and we got way more snow than the rest of Brooklyn, plus we have elevated train stations and service this morning was a mess. Habibi and I take the same train to the same stop only he has to be at work at 7am. It's about a 40 minute commute door to door It took him 90 minutes just on the train. He called me when he finally got into the city and saud don't even try it. I'll get up extra early tomorrow and get in early. Maybe beat the commuter rush.
all-in-all I've gotten alot done. And am about to start cooking dinner seeing as SIL started her 1st day of school today for English classes. This'll be interesting. I have alot of things I want to say about this situation but am afraid lightening may strike me. So I'll just do some breathing and maybe some pilates and ask God to forgive me and teach me patience and release.
Just want to take a moment to thank everyone who comes to this site even if its only once. It's cool to be interesting or at least think that you're interesting. So don't forget to check out my photos from Morocco -link on the side here and maybe sign the guestbook or something.
Been feeling a little sentimental and nostalgic lately--think its mainly PMS but just want to wish everyone peace, love and happiness. Stay safe out there, kids!
BTW, Pat, I've mailed you a box of snow pso the boys can make snowballs.
LOL Very funny Stacey!!! I told you to keep that snow on your side of the pond!! BTW - I looked through some of your Moroccan photos but have not finished yet. They are great!! Mohamed took my camera with him to Morocco - I hope he comes back with lots of photos for the EID celebrations there.
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