Friday, January 07, 2005

"You've Come A Long Way, Habibi"

Posted by Hello

Habibi cracks me up. Last night I quizzed him for his citizenship interview which is in a couple of weeks. I have to ask him questions that we as citizens should already know but probably don't like: "name the 13 original colonies." Some of his answers crack me up or its the way he says something that's so funny to me. He's really smart and should do well as long as they don't ask him to sing the Star Spangled Banner! LOL

To think it was exactly a year ago today that he lost his job. His bank account has diminished but not his spirit or his sense of humor and certainly not the love and friendship we have for each other. I'm really proud of the way he's handled things these past few months. Its been a great struggle for us as a couple and as individuals and to be quite frank I didn't think we were going to make it--at one point, we sort of separated.
Anvil DropBut some mysterious anvil landed on his head when I wasn't looking and he got his stuff together and made a conscious effort to be present in this life that he created. It's a good thing. He's the man I always knew he was, I think he was afraid to be that man because it meant giving certain things up--but when you realize that those things are just things and that what you've got right here, right now is so real then you do what you must to keep it. Nothing's ever perfect and I have somehow found a way to relax more and not stress so much about certain things--frankly alot of things. I think being more confident in our relationship has de-stressed me. It was a big worry for such a long time.

Relationships are not easy and when you throw in a different culture and religion well you got yourself an Olympic-sized obstacle course with very few survivors. Under the guidance and example of many good friends (Pat, Ramela, Ann & Heather) I moved on mentally and emotionally when I couldn't physically and mapped out a course. There's no judge to say I did this right or not but I'm happy which is something I haven't been able to say or feel for about 2 years now.

Call me crazy, determined, stubborn, loyal, hopeful or plain stupid , I don't know but I'm glad I stayed when I could have run. And I'm glad I've grown when I could have just laid down and died. I feel strong, confident and loved and united. It's very nice....thank you.
Sand I Love You


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