Friday, January 21, 2005

"Proud To Be An American..."

...well almost. Smiley Flag

You can let your breath out, he passed!!!
So funny. We got up at about 5:30am, after having gone to be at around 2:30 in the am because of our very festive and boisterous Eid celebration (will fill you in on that later stay tuned for that one-2 themes: near death by carbon monoxide and Carrie-Stephen King's) So we stayed up a bit reviewing the questions and things that he would say. He put on his good suit,a tie, his Italian shoes and Dolce & Gabbana winter coat. (Yes, my husband can be a fashionista)

So he gets there, introduces himself to the interviewers and then they sit and wait. After a few minutes they go to him, "So where is your client?" Habibi's very confused and goes "what client?" He goes, "I'm not a lawyer, I'm an electrician." They thought he was a lawyer and not the person scheduled for an interview. They apparently had a rather good laugh about it and he went on to ace the exam. He got a score of EXCELLENT!!!! He got a 100%. Now they just have to complete his tax check and we should be good to go.

He was so happy when he came home. We've been calling him Mr. USA! Well, I'm thoroughly exhausted from the whole holiday/interview ordeal and am going to crash. Will fill you in manana about our Eid celebration.
Thumbs Up


At 5:15 AM, Blogger Pat said...

CONGRATULATIONS Issame!!! Knew you could do it!! :-)

At 6:19 AM, Blogger Me said...

Congrats from me as well! Way to go! Can't wait to hear your Eid story. We are going to an Eid party today. No funny sheep story to tell this year, though.


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