Monday, June 28, 2004

A Pagan Weekend

Mermaids, Cleopatra and way too much iced coffee.

That was how I spent my weekend. Went to the Mermaid Parade in Coney Island. Saw lots of taa-taas.

Then Issame took us out for our 5 year anniversary to an Arabic club called Cleopatra's.

On Sunday, I met up with my friend Courtney who is moving to Morocco. We drank way too much coffee and vented and comforted each other over our Moroccan mishaps, oops I mean significant others.

This is what I still have left to do before I leave on Thursday:

oh yeah and buy a suitcase...I'm doing okay!


At 2:43 PM, Blogger Me said...

Hey Stacey! Looks like you are just a day behind us, except we are going in opposite directions. Did you meet up with Courtney L.? If so, tell her she's in HOT WATER! :) Or maybe she'll read it here. She hasn't checked in with us in ages. I'd love to hear from her. Have a great trip!

At 12:25 PM, Blogger Pat said...

Have a really great trip Stacey!!! I will call you when you return home. Perhaps I can meet up with you in the city for lunch or something. And we have to chat about Courtney moving!


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